
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Yucky Headache

Winter Blossoms
Good afternoon, dear readers!
I am suffering with another yucky sinus/allergy headache.  I woke up with it & it has persisted all day long.  UGH!
The mock oranges are blooming along with some winter hedge.  I guess all that time spent outside enjoying the beautiful long weekend has come back to bite me.  And to top it all off, I was out of allergy medication.  I had to wait until this afternoon for the pharmacy to get it in.  Oh, well... I have it now and am anticipating a peaceful night's rest followed by a productive tatting day for Thursday.
Sorry for the lack of tatting eyecandy today, but I just can't make my eyes focus to tat when my head feels like it's going to explode off my shoulders.  Tomorrow is bound to be much better.  Until then~
Happy Tatting!


  1. so sorry you are feeling poorly. HOpe you have a very quick recovery, allergies are no fun at all, I know.

  2. Feel better! I heard y'all have had spring like days in that part of the country. We're headed that way on a business trip, and I can't wait to get "home" for a visit in my own part of the Piney Woods. It was 5 degrees when we left our house. Looking forward to more sensible weather.
