
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Girly Day

Winter Blossoms
Good morning, dear readers!
Well, I played with the center of the Winter Blossom Motif No. 3 and decided that I liked the button best.  The pearls I have are not quite the right size for the divot, so until I get my order in, the button is the best option for a center accent.  Here it is:
I love this carved antique MOP button!  There are a few more left on the card.  I may even use them as accents/focal points for a collar.
I did play some more this morning with Winter Blossoms Motif No. 4 using a neutral pearl cotton thread:
I plan to flesh this one out today and may adjust the outer rounds into a little different shape.  It all depends upon where the whimsy takes me.
Jocelin is home from school today as the teachers are having a training day.  We are going to spend the next few hours watching The Phantom of the Opera, eating chocolate bonbons, giving each other mani/pedis and facial masks.  Then I plan to hole up in the Atelier for an afternoon & early evening of tatting.  Jim is going to grill steaks when he gets home from work, so I really don't have to cook. 
Well, someone has the Phantom ready to go in the dvd player.  Have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Your Winter Blossoms motif is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! :)
    And I can't wait to see the other done!! :)

  2. That is just beautiful.
    Fox : )
