
Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Blossom Motif No. 3 Part One

Winter Blossoms
Good morning, dear readers!
I had a great weekend full of tatting.  How did yours go?
Well, without further ado, here is the FREE pattern to the foundation for Winter Blossom Motif No. 3-
(the rest of the pattern will follow in subsequent posts)
This pendant is tatted with Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk (S204) with grey rainbow Ornella seed beads onto an antique MOP button.  The button is 5/8" across and has 4 holes.  I used a size 8 tatting needle.
To begin, string 30 seed beads on to silk then tat as follows:
R 6 - 6 + to button 6 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 -(with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
R 6 + 6 + to button same as before 6 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - (with 3 seed beads) 4 sm - 9 CL RW
R 6 + 6 + to next hole in button 6 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
R 6 + 6 + to same button hole as before 6 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - (with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
R 6+ 12 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - (with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
R 6 + 6 + to next hole in button 6 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - (with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
R 6 + 6 + to same hole as before 6 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - (with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
R 6 + 6 + to next hole 6 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - (with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
R 6 + 6 + to same hole as before 6 - 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - (with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
R 6 + 12 + (to - of first R) 6 CL RW
CH 9 sm- 4 - (with 3 seed beads) 4 sm- 9 CL RW
Join last CH to base of first R tatted.  Tie, add a small dot of jeweler's adhesive & cut.
I was not satisfied with the second round and am going to work out the counts better today.  I'll have the next round of the FREE Winter Blossom Motif No. 3 up tomorrow morning.
Let me show you what distracted me this weekend from finishing the second round-
Sometimes, the thread calls and I just cannot resist.  I played with different counts on the Winter Blossom Motif No.4 on Saturday & Sunday.  Couldn't help myself.  Oh, here is a image of the blue one for your viewing pleasure-
Well, I had better get busy.  It is cold down here this morning and I have to scrape frost off the Jeep windshield before taking the kid to school.  We even have a bit of ice about.  Times like this make me so glad I have my little Jeep to play in!  Have a great day & let's hope I get off my duff and work out those next counts.  Until tomorrow
Happy Tatting!


  1. Thanks for sharing another pattern!! :)
    I love how beautiful and inspiring all those gorgeous pendants are!!! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous pattern,
    If you don't get any more comments over the next few days don't worry we are away with family in Oxford as per the piece on my blog
