
Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend Changes

Good morning, dear readers!
Well, I had planned a wonderful weekend full of hand embroidery and tatting, but things drastically changed.  Jim took his first deer this season and I have been busy processing the meat.  We cut up the backstraps, tenderloins, roasts and ground the rest.  Some of the ground meat was packaged and put in the freezer.  The remainder we made into sausage.  My hands are still exhausted!!!
I did not get nearly as much done as I had planned.  My restful, fiber art filled weekend turned into work.  Sunday evening I picked up the tatting needles after a long beauty bath.  I started on a button foundation, but didn't get too far before getting sleepy.  I did snap a shot of it-
So... how was your weekend???
Today will be busy.  I've got numerous errands to run this morning, but still hope to get a few things together to share with you tomorrow.  Guess I had better get myself in gear.  Have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Sounds a busy weekend, mine was a bit quiter, But I am on heavy pain killers and today is sleepy day never woke up until ten and only just coming around, trying to get my head around a bit of tatting at the mo.

  2. When I was growing up the rule (and I have continued that rule)was if you caught it (fishing) or killed it (hunting) you had to clean and process are a good woman to stop and help your husband.

  3. a very busy weekend, cooking tomatoes and getting things in gear for a trip to TX to see our newest grandson next week.
    We got our 2 deer a couple weeks ago. and they are all cut up. The sausage & jerky meat is in the freezer waiting for january when we will have a weekend with more time. The weather here in ND is still good enough to get some work done outside, so indoor stuff waits for the dead of winter.
