
Friday, November 30, 2012

Hand Embroidery

Good morning, dear readers!
A friend called and asked if I had some spare embroidery floss, pearl cotton and other hand embroidery supplies I could let her have for a project (she is teaching her after-school group of tween girls how to do simple hand embroidery).  I went into my stashes and pulled lots of thread goodies for her, along with a few hoops, transfers and extra needles.
Going through stuff made me itch to do hand embroidery again.  I used to design and embroider my own original pieces, but have put my primary focus on tatting.  While tatting is an all-consuming obsession, I truly love to do other fiber arts as well.  I think I'll sketch out a little something and embroider today.  If it turns out to my satisfaction I'll share an image later.
Well, I'm off to sketch on a scrap of linen & gather my threads.  Don't worry- I'll have new tatting goodies to share with you next week!  Have a marvelous weekend full of creativity & until next week~
Happy Tatting!

1 comment:

  1. Hand embroidery is something that children don't learn today, how nice to hear that their is a class of pupils learning this skill. My mother taught me and when I was about nine I went to another school who had sewing lessons, they gave me some cross stitch to learn, ha ha I had already learnt it and finished one item in the lesson, after a few weeks the teacher gave up she could not keep up with me finishing her projects so fast and I just had to keep on making glass cases for the rest of the term while the others caught up. I will be delighted to see what you come up with.
    Have a lovely weekend
