
Friday, November 16, 2012

Vintage Brooch Enhancement, Part Two

Good morning, dear readers!
My hands are feeling better this morning- thank goodness!!!  I started the second round on my vintage brooch:
This image was taken shortly after I started.  The complete round was finished after dark last night and I could not get a decent image of the brooch inside- it is too sparkly.  I'll add the pearl and Swarovski accents this weekend and have the finished piece for you to see on Monday.
Jocelin is out of school for the Thanksgiving holiday break, so we are going to have a nice mother/daughter day.  First, we will head to visit our friend Tommee and sift through her vintage jewelry pieces.  Then we plan to hit the antique stores.  After lunch we will begin shopping for a formal dress.  Jocelin is on her high school's homecoming court!  Let's hope we can find something she likes that won't break the bank.  My girl has rather expensive tastes- can't imagine where she got that from.  Wish me luck!
Well, I am off to enjoy my hot cocoa before the insanity of the day begins.  Have a marvelous weekend!
Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!


  1. It looks great! With the last picture you posted, it took me forever to realize that the tatting wasn't actually PART of the brooch =)

  2. That brooch is going to look wonderful, I am sure you do know where your daughter gets her expensive tastes from, you don't want to say. I hope she finds something within your budget and you can have a lovely girly day together.
    Have a lovely weekend

  3. Hope you find a formal just right for your daughter. Will you need to tat matching jewelry for it??
