
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Slow Day

Good morning!
Yesterday was a slow day on the tatting front.  After taking the kid to school, I dropped by the salon for a haircut.  My hands were bothering me a bit then, but by the time I arrived home, they were really hurting.  Guess it is the change in weather.  We've had several consecutive mornings with lows near freezing and my joints are vigorously protesting.  I gave myself a nice, hot oil manicure and massaged my hands with an essential oil sugar scrub.  It helped a bit, but I still did not get much tatting done.  Let's hope today is more productive!
Even though it's been cooler, the Mexican petunias in the front yard are exploding in blooms.  Here is a shot of a couple:
Wouldn't this be a lovely thread color?!?
Well, I am going to try to get in a bit of tatting before taking the kid to school and preparing for the upcoming holiday.  Hope you have a great day & I will try to have some tatting to show you tomorrow.  Until then~
Happy Tatting!


  1. The days are getting shorter and colder here too.
    Lovely colours yes it would make a gorgeous thread colour.

  2. I'm sorry that your hands were hurting =/ It'd be a great color =)

  3. sorry to hear you joints ache. me too some days. right now I haven't been able to get my rings on for 2 weeks. hope I can get the swelling and soreness worked out of that one soon.
    those are pretty Petunias.

  4. That would be a lovely colors for tatting thread. Though I've found that the best colors in nature can't quite be duplicated by human effort. I love the shade of green of an ocean wave as it crests, getting thin, and the sunlight shines through it...
