
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Motif Accent

Good morning, dear readers!
I hope you had a wonderful Halloween and are enjoying a pleasant All Saints Day.
I did not get much work done accenting the Halloween motifs- not after I burned the top of a couple of fingers while taking treats out of the oven yesterday morning.  Yes, I am a big klutz.  The burns are not too bad, just painful.  I hope to be back to tatting as usual within a day or so.  Anyway, here is a bit I did on Motif 2 prior to the oven incident:
I plan to add several more rounds and accents to it, as well as to Motif 1.
Well, I am going to take it easy today and clean out the Atelier since it still stings when thread slides over the top of my fingers.  May you have a wonderful day full of creativity!  Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. That looks really nice!! :)
    I hope you aren't in pain with those burns and that they heal quickly!! :)

    1. Thanks! The burns don't hurt unless something brushes against them. I hope to be back to my "normal" soon! :-)

  2. Sorry you have hurt your fingers, I hope they soon feel better, lovely button design.

    1. Thanks, Margaret! I'm putting plenty of aloe vera gel on my fingers and hope to be tatting again very soon.

  3. Ohhh... you sound as klutzy as I am! And I do hold quite a record!

    Heal up fast - I rely on those photos for daily inspiration.
    Fox : )
