
Friday, November 2, 2012

Another Round

Good morning, dear readers!
My fingers are much more flexible this morning- thank goodness!!!  The aloe vera gel has really helped the burns.  I did manage to tat the next round on Motif 2 using my little finger to wrap the thread around:
I hope to get this one finished today and will add a center accent.  The other motif will be finished this weekend as the accent round I was tatting requires more dexterity.
What are you doing for the weekend?  We have a long 4-day weekend planned with oodles of family activities:  off-roading in the Jeep, driving lessons for Jocelin, campfires, hiking in the woods, tatting, and perhaps a movie night.  Of course, we will be voting on Tuesday.  To those of you who live in the USA, please exercise your right to vote!  I do not give a rat's patoot who you vote for, just vote.  We are so blessed to have that privilege- many still do not.  Never take it for granted!
Lily Fey is giving me that "look" again.  Guess it's time for our run in the woods.  Have a wonderful Friday & weekend!  Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Totally gorgeous, glad your fingers are getting better, amazing what aloe vera can do.
    Have a lovely weekend.

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