
Friday, August 17, 2012

Ready for Fall

Good morning!

I had a lovely day in the Atelier and front porch yesterday!  I figured out the basic counts for the foundation of a new mystery piece and started it.  Here is a little peek at the very beginning:

This will be tatted to about 20", then more layers of tatting will be added.  I have a way to go!  So, what do you think it will be???

The evening brought a very pleasant surprise.  My darlin' Jim brought me a couple of gorgeous bronze mum plants!  I love mums!!!  Especially bronze and white!  Mums always make me long for Fall.  I'm ready for the cool, crisp Autumn days.

After I potted these beauties, I spent some time straightening up the porch and watering all of the plants.  I do believe I'll roll the Valdani thread cart out to the porch and sift through the colors to tat something inspired by my bronze mums this weekend!

 Be sure to leave a comment on the Blogversary Celebration Giveaway post for your chance to win one of the three prizes!  Winners will be announced on August 29th, 2012.  Good luck!

Well, I am off to the Atelier for a couple of hours before I have to run errands.  Have a great day and a fantastic weekend.  Until next week~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Looks and sounds like the possibility of a necklace in the works. :)

  2. I think that it might be a necklace, too. The mums are gorgeous!

  3. Your mystery project is beautiful! I really like that thread and pearl combination. :)

  4. I think this is a necklace, it going to look lovely in that thread and beads.

    Have a good weekend

  5. The thread is gorgeous! 20"? Might be an edging, but probably a necklace. I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be brilliant!
