
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bits & Bobs

Good morning!  I am looking forward to a full day of tatting and hopefully figuring out the best stitch counts for a couple of prototypes. 

The Glamour necklace is coming along slowly, but it is one of those that takes lots of patience and hours of tatting.  I'm still fiddling with the larger center motif- it is challenging to get this bugger figured out so it hangs right.  Eventually, I'll get it right.

One of the other motifs I've been playing with is this one of varying sized ICRs:

Love this Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk shade (S534)!

I also got out the pearls, Swarovskis & vintage crystal beads yesterday afternoon.

This will be the base for an Autumn themed Eternity pendant.  Any ideas for a name?  By the way, the brown beads are recycled from a vintage crystal necklace.  Aren't they a nice cognac color!

Have you left your comment on the Blogversary Celebration Giveaway post?  Please do so before August 29th, 2012!  Good luck.

This morning I will be working on another idea that popped into my head last night.  I'm not sure if it is going to be a bracelet, necklace, collar or something else.  Maybe I'll have something to show you tomorrow.  Well, I'd better get busy.  I'm burning daylight!
Have a wonderful day & until Friday~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Your first picture looks brilliant and the colour is a wow,
    A name for your name item well I can only think of glamour puss.

  2. Wow I really like that motif.
    Can you do that with a shuttle also?
