
Friday, August 30, 2013

Lemons Into Lemonade

Good morning, dear readers!
We are still getting back into the homeschool groove.  Things are going well, but it is an adjustment for us all.  I did not get in nearly as much tatting time this past week as I'd hoped.  Jayne and the bracelet projects are on the back burners, but will be picked up again over the upcoming holiday weekend.
I did get out a ball of Valdani Pearl Cotton in M80 (Distant Grass) this week.  My intention was to tat an edging for the pockets on a pair of linen trousers.  Well... my counts were off, but I have an idea to turn the beginning of my oopsie into something else.  When life hands you lemons (or you mess up with the ds counts in your head) make lemonade.  I'll post the finished piece next Friday for you to see how it turns out, but here is an image of my oopsie:
I am also gathering goodies for another give away event, so be looking for the announcement for it next Friday, too!
Guess I had better take Rosie Fey out before she spins a hole in front of the door.  Have a great Labor Day long weekend & until next Friday~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Gorgeous colour way thread, and it looks lovely so far, can't wait to see how it works out.
    Have a lovely weekend

  2. Oh what pretty thread - just perfect for a pair of linen trousers. I wish MY 'oopsies' were as lovely as your 'lemonade' tatting. ;-)
    Stephanie in NC

  3. Oh the lovely colors in this one. Can hardly wait to see where it takes you.

  4. Can't wait to see what you do with this!! :)
