
Friday, August 30, 2013

Lemons Into Lemonade

Good morning, dear readers!
We are still getting back into the homeschool groove.  Things are going well, but it is an adjustment for us all.  I did not get in nearly as much tatting time this past week as I'd hoped.  Jayne and the bracelet projects are on the back burners, but will be picked up again over the upcoming holiday weekend.
I did get out a ball of Valdani Pearl Cotton in M80 (Distant Grass) this week.  My intention was to tat an edging for the pockets on a pair of linen trousers.  Well... my counts were off, but I have an idea to turn the beginning of my oopsie into something else.  When life hands you lemons (or you mess up with the ds counts in your head) make lemonade.  I'll post the finished piece next Friday for you to see how it turns out, but here is an image of my oopsie:
I am also gathering goodies for another give away event, so be looking for the announcement for it next Friday, too!
Guess I had better take Rosie Fey out before she spins a hole in front of the door.  Have a great Labor Day long weekend & until next Friday~
Happy Tatting!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Working on Jayne

Good morning, dear readers!
We are gradually getting back into the swing of homeschooling and I am somehow managing to get in a little bit of tatting time each day.  Plain Jane is slowly being transformed into Lady Jayne, but I had to take a break from her.  There were a couple of design ideas bouncing around in my head that I had to play with.
Anyhow, here is a peek at the beginnings of  Lady Jayne:
This is the center motif with a few bead accents.
And this is the drop accent that will hang from the center motif.  I may add more beads, according to how the side pieces turn out.  They may be needed to provide more balance to the necklace.
The above image is of a bracelet prototype that I'm currently designing.  I really love this Valdani Pearl Cotton in color O538 "Cottage Smoke".  It looks great with the Delica beads I'm using and also the pearls I plan to add on another subsequent round.
And here is a little pendant motif I'm still playing with:
It began like this...
Then grew to this...
And this is where it is at now.  I sidetracked myself by starting the bracelet prototype!  The bracelet idea popped into my head as I was contemplating the next round for the pendant.  That O538 Valdani pearl cotton was sitting there just begging me to tat something with it, and the bracelet idea popped into my head.  I sketched it out roughly and began tatting.
I'm hoping to get back to Jayne this weekend, but it all depends upon how well the bracelet project goes.  For some reason, that is what my hands want to tat.
It is also time for another Piney Woods Event, isn't it?!?  I have oodles of vintage buttons and other miscellaneous goodies that may be put into the give away- or do y'all want me to put up a special OOAK piece?  Comment on this post to let me know which you'd prefer or if you think I should do both!
Well, Rosie Fey is ready for our morning run.  Guess I had better take care of her and the chickens before starting homeschool for the day.  May you have a wonderful week full of tatting goodness!  Until next Friday~
Happy Tatting!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Blog Changes

Good morning, dear readers!
For some time, I have been considering making some changes to this blog and how I share my work.  After consulting with my husband and our copyright attorney, I will implement the following changes:
Frequency of posting will now be reduced to once per week as I require more time for the home education of our daughter and for the tatting of OOAK art works.  The blog posts will usually occur on Fridays, unless a holiday or such interferes.
I will continue to post the occasional FREE pattern, which will remain free for my readers' use.
Much of what I will be posting in the future is OOAK work.  Please, do not ask for the patterns of these pieces.  And do not copy them!  I will most vigorously protect and defend my intellectual property.  I feel that I have shared plenty of patterns as it is, and will NOT share how to construct my larger One-Of-A-Kind works.  It is my goal to focus on creating new and innovative works of needle tatted couture pieces and jewelry. 
Special events and give aways will be featured on occasion as my schedule and disposition allow.
I will NOT teach needle, shuttle, finger, cro-tatting or Japanese hook tatting.  There are plenty of online resources for these techniques and I feel that each individual should choose the method that she/he is most attracted to and able to utilize.  No one method is better or more artistic than any other.  Tatting method snobbery will not be tolerated in any manner on my blog or website.  If you have snarky comments regarding these methods, keep your opinions to yourself.  I would not wish to discourage anyone who wishes to create with their hands!!!
Many thanks to all who have followed my blog.  I hope you continue to do so.  You have given me inspiration and encouragement that is truly appreciated.  I look forward to your future comments and input as I embark upon the next chapter in my creative endeavors.  The next blog post will be up a week from this Friday on August 23rd.  Please note that I plan to include more images on these blog posts, so you will have plenty of tatting eye candy.
Well, Jocelin and I are off on an antiquing/junquing trip.  Let's hope we find lots of vintage and antique goodies to feature in my creations!  Thank you for following the blog!  Until August 23rd~
Happy Tatting!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Meet Plain Jane

Good morning, dear readers!
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Plain Jane :
I have not permanently attached the pieces as I plan to further enhance Plain Jane and turn her into Lady Jayne.  If you wish to complete her as she is, simply attach the pieces with jump rings and add an adjustable chain length with a clasp of your choice to the side pieces.
To make things easier to find for those who did not participate in the tat-along, here are all of the steps:
Using a size 7 tatting needle and a ball of size 8 Valdani Pearl Cotton in M49 "Subtle Elegance", tat 6 ICRs with the following counts:
ICR 11 followed by 5 graduated picots (sm, med, lg, med, sm) 11 CL
ICR 13 very small - 13 CL
Tat 3 of each, alternating for a total of 6 ICRs. Tie, hide ends & cut.
(For a tutorial on needle tatting ICRs, click here.)
R 11 + (to very small - of previously tatted ICR) 11 CL RW
CH 3 very sm- 3 followed by 3 graduated picots (sm, med, sm) 3 very sm- 3 CL RW
R 11 + (to med - of previously tatted ICR) 11 CL RW
CH 3 very sm- 3 followed by 3 graduated picots (sm, med, sm) 3 very sm- 3 CL RW
R 7 + (to lg - of previously tatted ICR) 7 CL RW
CH 3 very sm- 3 followed by 3 graduated picots (sm, med, sm) 3 very sm- 3 CL RW
R 11 + (to med - of previously tatted ICR) 11 CL RW
CH 3 very sm- 3 followed by 3 graduated picots (sm, med, sm) 3 very sm- 3 CL RW
R 11 + (to very small - of previously tatted ICR) 11 CL RW
You will continue around the motif, joining the final CH to base of first R tatted.  Tie, hide ends & cut.

The above is what Plain Jane will look like after tatting the two interwoven chain rounds.  They both have a stitch count of 23.  Begin by running the needle through the very small picot to the left of the 3 graduated picots of any previously tatted CH.  CH 23 CL + to corresponding very small picot on next previously tatted CH.  Continue around the motif.  Join last CH to the base of the first, tie, hide ends & cut.  This is what it should look like:
To tat the second CHs to interweave, run needle through very small picot on the right of the graduated picot grouping of any previously tatted CH.  Cut off a long length of thread from ball as this is your working thread.  I use a second needle on this end to help weave my work.  CH 23 CL, pull work around previously tatted CH, + to corresponding very small picot to the right of the graduated picot grouping on the next chain.  Pull both threads through and continue around motif.  Join last CH at the base of the first CH.  Tie, hide ends & cut.
Tat 3 ICRs, all with the counts of :
ICR 13 followed by 3 very small picots 13 CL.
Tie, hide ends & cut.
The next step is to tat the 3 rounds of CHs around the ICR foundation.  ALL CHs are the same count.  Run needle through/join at 1st very small picot and CH 31 CL + to next corresponding very small picot. Repeat, tie hide ends and cut.  Do the same for the second and third CH rounds around the ICR foundation, weaving them as you go.
These ICRs will form a chain on each side of the focal point.  You will need 12 for each side.  Of course, each tatter may wish to adjust the number of ICRs to make a necklace to her/his preferred length.  The counts are:
ICR 11 very small- 11 CL
ICR 11 followed by 3 very small -s 11 CL
ICR 11 very small - 11 CL
ICR 11 followed by 3 very small -s 11 CL
Tie, hide ends & cut.
For the next ICR motif:
ICR 11 + 11 CL
ICR 11 followed by 3 very small -s 11 CL
ICR 11 very small - 11 CL
ICR 11 followed by 3 very small -s 11 CL
Tie, hide ends & cut.
For the last ICR motif:
ICR 11 + 11 CL
ICR 11 followed by 3 very small -s 11 CL
ICR 11 followed by 3 very small -s 11 CL
ICR 11 followed by 3 very small -s 11 CL
Tie, hide ends & cut.
Begin by running the needle through/joining at the first very small picot of the first ICR motif you tatted.
CH 25 CL + to first very small picot of the next ICR motif.  Continue until you reach the last ICR motif and CH 19 CL + to first very small picot on next R of last ICR motif, CH 19 CL + to first very small picot on the next R of same ICR, then revert back to the CH 25 CL + until you reach then end of the piece.
Now, you will repeat this 2 more times on each side piece, weaving the chains as you go.
Okay, I hope I covered all the steps.  If I missed something, sorry.  It was a long night and I'm still half asleep trying to get Jim off to work.  Be sure to check out Monday's post for info on the blog changes I'm making.  May you have a marvelous weekend full of creativity and tatting goodness!  Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Big Changes Coming To Blog

Good morning, dear readers!
Jim has finally arranged things somewhat to his satisfaction.  As an engineer, he is always figuring out new things with new technologies he wants to "upgrade" our system with.  At least he is going to leave things alone for a bit!
I have been doing some serious thinking and researching this week.  August 29th will be the 2nd anniversary of this blog.  I have blogged pretty much every weekday with the rare exception of technical difficulties or other family emergencies.  While I have enjoyed blogging on a daily basis, there are some things that must change as our family situation requires it.  I will post the new arrangement and changes to Monday's blog post.
Tomorrow will be the debut of the completed Plain Jane Project.  Hope you have enjoyed the tat-along!
Well, I have much to do today- including taking images of Plain Jane.  Hope your day is full of creativity & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Seed Beads Galore

Good morning, dear readers!
I made it through taking the thread inventory.  That was a serious job!!!  You have no idea what a thread junkie I am- but I am most discerning when it comes to thread quality.  It has to be just right for my tatting or it gets tossed or gifted to someone who likes that particular thread.
Today I plan to tackle the massive stash of seed beads I've acquired over the years.  I have a dear friend who loves to bead, so my culled seed beads already have a new home.  Still, it is a daunting task.  I hope that after cleaning out the seed bead stash I'll have more room for Swarovskis and cultured pearls.
Rosie Fey is ready for our run in the Piney Woods.  Guess I'd better take care of her, then get busy in the Atelier closet and shanty bead chest.  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Taking Inventory

Good morning, dear readers!
Jim got a bit more done on our home network last night.  I'll be glad when he is done.
I managed to get the buttons sorted and have made a list of buttons to keep an eye out for as I go on antiquing/junquing jaunts.  I have a lot of vintage plastic buttons that may be used for Christmas ornaments/gifts.  And I am considering hosting a give away event with buttons and other items I'll cull as I clean and renovate this month.  What do y'all think?  Are you interested???
Today's main chore is taking a very thorough thread inventory and making out lists of what I need to reorder.  I may find some thread to put in a give away- you never know what I'll find in the Atelier or shanty!
Well, I'm off to the shanty to dig in the thread boxes and cabinets.  Have a marvelous day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Serious Tech Upgrades

Good morning, dear readers!
Well, we sort of have our tech issues resolved.  It seems that we had an unexpected power surge that took out our wireless router, cable modem and insulated surge protector.  Fortunately, the laptop & desktop computers are on different surge protected circuits.  They were unaffected. The router and modem have been replaced, but Jim is still working on setting up our home network to his exact specifications.  What a blessing it is that my husband is an electrical engineer!
I am taking the next few days to help him get our home network set up and everything connected and protected as well as organizing my thread, bead and vintage items.  The Plain Jane Project will be revealed later this week as we really need several days to get things squared away and back to our liking.  Sorry for the delay, but unexpected things sometimes happen.
The blog theme for this month is "Renovations".  I plan to rework my favorite tatting areas in the house, Atelier and tatting shanty.  I'll let you know about some of the neat storage and decorative goodies I find and throw in a few peeks at some of the pieces in my upcoming Olde West Collection and a few new additions to the Romance of the Piney Woods Collection.
Rosie Fey is giving me the "look".  I had better take her out and get on with my day.  This is my antique/vintage button sorting day.  Hope your day is wonderful and full of joy.  Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Major Technical Pronlems

Good morning, dear readers!

I awoke this morning to find that our home network & Internet access is down. It looks like there is something wrong with our router, but I will know more after I actually talk to our ISP tech support. Will try to get back online & blogging ASAP. Sorry for the delay. Until our tech issues are resolved~

Happy Tatting!

-Rachel Colvin Jackson, the Piney Woods Tatter

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back Home

Olde West Inspiration
Good morning, dear readers!
I'm back home and plan to have a productive day in the Atelier finishing up the Plain Jane Project.  She may be ready for unveiling tomorrow IF all goes well.  Let's hope my tatting mojo is flowing.
The blog theme for August will be announced tomorrow, too.  Sheesh!  I have so much to accomplish today.  Guess I'd better hop to it.  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!