
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

More Muddy Bark

Olde West Inspiration
Good morning, dear readers!
Yesterday was very productive in the Atelier.  I managed to get the first accent round and additional beading to the center of the Muddy Bark motif done.  Here it is:
There are more accents to be done to the center and around the outer edges of the foundation before I work on expanding the motif.  I started that work yesterday afternoon and had to re-do my work a couple of times to get the counts just right.  Rosie Fey was my foot warmer as I worked.  She was so laid back and calm.  Unfortunately, she woke up wild as all get out this morning!  Guess we will be going for a longer run in the Piney Woods and romping for a while before I head to the Atelier.
The blueberry bushes are overloaded and I need to pick some before settling in to tat for the day.  Whew!  I've got a lot to do before I can pick up my tatting needles today.  Better hop to it.  May you have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!