
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Taking Care of Business

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Please be so kind as to bear with me this week as I am in the process of taking care of a few loose ends concerning our daughter's school.  Her final exams are tomorrow.  While she is testing, I will be busy enrolling her in the correspondence and online college courses she has been wanting to take.
Sorry for all of the interruptions to my usual tatting and blogging schedule, but our daughter is our top priority.  Hopefully, all the drama will soon be over and I'll be back in the Piney Woods creating new artwork to share with you.
Thank you for your patience and encouragement.  It means so much to me when I hear how my blog inspires you.  You, dear readers, help keep me going!  May you have a wonderfully creative and drama free weekend- I certainly hope to.  Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Of course she comes first, I am sending her good luck in her exams. Hope she gets the results she wants.
