
Friday, May 31, 2013

Ecru Pendant Prototype Winner

Shabby Vintage
Good morning, dear readers!
The winner of the Ecru Pendant Prototype Give Away is:
who wrote:
 Rachel..ALL your pieces are beautiful.i would love to OWN one..thanks...judypudy
Congratulations!  Please be so kind as to contact me before Monday morning with your pertinent information & I'll pop your new pendant into the post.
Well, dear readers, I greatly appreciate all of your kind comments on the give away post!  It certainly inspires me to design more goodies.
Speaking of goodies, my mother was digging in some old jewelry boxes and found a gorgeous carved & pierced Mother-of-Pearl brooch.  She has asked me to embellish it with tatting for her.  I'm deciding which of the many gorgeous Valdani pearl silks to use and am also sifting through the beads, pearls and Swarovskis for accents.  Fortunately, my mom likes the same colors I do and has given me carte blanche to design & embellish away.  I'll post an image Monday of the finished brooch.  If you follow me on facebook, you may see images of my progress this weekend.
Rosie Fey is spinning at the door & whining, so I had better take her for a run.  May you have a fabulous weekend full of tatting goodness.  Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Little Golden Pendant

Shabby Vintage
Good morning, dear readers!
My tatting needles have been busy tatting more prototypes. Here is the golden pendant I am working on fleshing out this morning:
I have a gorgeous little carved brown cow lip shell button I may use for the center accent.  Then again, there is a sparkly bronze Swarovski rondell that would look nice, too.  I'll decide what to use for the center after I complete a couple more rounds.  Do you have any suggestions?
Be sure to leave a comment on Tuesday's post for your chance to win the Ecru Pendant Prototype!  The winner will be selected tomorrow morning early before our walk in the woods.  Well, I'm burning daylight and have oodles to do today.  Hope you day is full of tatting goodness & remember to leave your comment!  Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sulky Chartreuse Experiment

Shabby Vintage
Good morning, dear readers!
I had another idea flash through my brain yesterday as Rosie Fey & I were walking in the Piney Woods.  After we made it back to the house, I pulled out some of the Sulky 12 wt. thread I've been tatting with lately and a few Ornella cream pearl seed beads.  This is where I am at now:
What do you think?  I may need to make some adjustments as the number of seed beads add quite a bit of weight to the piece.  You never know what I may decide to do.  We'll just see how this current round goes.
I have been eyeing a lovely golden shade of Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk and may have to play with it in a while.  What tatting projects are you working on, dear readers?  I'd love to hear what you're up to!
Don't forget to leave a comment on yesterday's blog post for your chance to win the Ecru Pendant Prototype!  I am off to the park for a walk with some friends before settling in the Atelier for the day.  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ecru Pendant Prototype Event

Shabby Vintage
Good morning, dear readers!
Here is the little pendant I tatted on Memorial Day.  I used 12 wt. Sulky thread in ecru and antique glass seed beads that I painstakingly picked off an old beaded bag.  The center accent is a sand colored button pearl with a single seed bead perched atop it.
This is just a prototype for a design I plan to offer in the Atelier Shoppe this Autumn.  I have already expanded the design and added additional rounds on another prototype.  The second prototype I did using Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk.  You'll have to wait until the entire design collection is debuted to view it, though!
This is an image of the beginning of prototype one-
Then I expanded it a tiny bit-
So, what do you think?  Do you like the new design? 
You know what???  I am in the mood to do a give away event.  If you would like to win this little pendant, please leave a comment on this blog post.  The winner will be chosen via random number generator early Friday morning.  The winner has until the following Monday to contact me or another winner will be selected, again via random number generator.  Good luck, and remember to leave a comment before Friday morning, May 31st, 2013!
Rosie Fey is ready for her walk, so we're off.  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

Shabby Vintage
Good evening, dear readers!
I hope you all have had a wonderful Memorial Day.  We have enjoyed a fabulous weekend at the local park and at home.  Jim cooked out for us today and Rosie Fey was very patriotic in her stars & stripes bandana.
I have been playing with a pendant prototype and will have it posted for your viewing pleasure tomorrow morning.  I may even have a "special event" announcement...wink, wink!
Well, I am off to get Jim's work clothes ironed for the week ahead.  Have a great evening and be sure to check out the blog tomorrow.  Until then~
Happy Tatting!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Great Start to the Holiday Weekend

Shabby Vintage
Good evening, dear readers!
I have had an absolutely wonderful day!  After a leisurely morning of project organizing in the Atelier, I met my handsome husband for a lunch date at our favorite local restaurant.  Then I spent the afternoon shopping with our daughter.  We especially enjoyed visiting with Brenda & Travis at the Chartreuse Pear.  They never fail to have oodles of wonderful goodies and inspirational eye candy!  My current favorite product they carry (aside from the fabulous Lollia hand crèmes) is "French Velvet" linen spray.  You can use it on your linens, but it deodorizes like a dream!  Even wet doggy odor!  I spray it in my Jeep after taking Rosie Fey to the park.
After picking up a few items at the grocery store and seeing to Rosie Fey, I finally picked up the tatting needles.  Here is the next step on the motif I'm experimenting with:
I'm pleased with its progress, so far.
Kelly commented on my previous blog post concerning the thread/bead experiment about using beads and variegated thread.  This can be tricky to do, design wise, but should not hinder one from trying.  Pay careful attention to the intervals of color changes within the thread.  Some machine dyed threads are very regimented in their variegation, which I personally find repugnant and totally useless for my purposes.  Valdani threads are all ARTISAN HAND DYED.  This makes all of the difference.  There are also some gorgeous HDT to be found on Etsy- check out LadyShuttleMaker and YarnPlayer!  They have beautiful threads.
Another factor to consider is what size beads you choose to use.  With the silk thread, I am using size 11/0 seed beads.  These are small, light weight and are in colors that compliment the thread.  A contrasting color combination would look nice, too.  My advise it to tat with threads and beads in colors that make YOU happy. 
This is Memorial Day weekend here in the USA.  We take this time to remember all of those who have given their lives for our freedom.  Our family will celebrate by remembering the fallen heroes/heroines, cooking out and exercising our freedom by shooting on the target range and off-roading in the Jeep.  I hope to fit in some tatting time, too.  May you have a wonderfully creative weekend & until TUESDAY~
Happy Tatting!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Girls' Day Out

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Jocelin and I had a nice day out.  We raided Books-A-Million, Target, PetCo, and Antique Alley.  Our lunch at the Piccadilly restaurant was most enjoyable.  It won't be long before my darling girl is grown and out on her own, so I treasure days like this more than you can imagine.
We did see a few goodies in the antique stores, but didn't purchase anything.  The couple of items I was interested in were way overpriced.  Jocelin found a lovely Coro brooch, but the pin back was beyond repair- and it was priced as if it were in mint condition.  Perhaps we will have better luck when we go junquing in Canton, Texas!  I always find lots of goodies there.  And we've not visited Vicksburg in a couple of months.  Guess we have a lot of antiquing/junquing trips to do this summer.
Well, I am off to take a relaxing bath before Jim gets home.  He doesn't know it yet, but he's grilling supper.  I plan to spend tomorrow afternoon in the Atelier after running errands, so there is a good chance I'll actually get some new eye candy up on the blog afterwards.  Have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Playing Around

Shabby Vintage
Good evening, dear readers!
I have spent the day playing with various thread and bead combinations.  It is very helpful to the design process to test tat thread & bead combos.  Some beads are heavier than others and can cause your tatting to twist or pull.  Plus, I love to play with different color palettes.
Neutrals have always fascinated me with their understated elegance.  Pictured above is Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk in S514, "Wheat Husk".  I am test tatting a motif with silky brown satin Delica seed beads and cream pearl Ornella seed beads.  So far, so good.  I'm rather pleased with how the colors of the beads compliment the hand dyed Valdani silk.  I'll take some images of the motif when it is complete to share with you.
What color and bead combos do you like to use, dear readers?  I am always looking for new ideas to use in my work.  If you have a recommendation, please post it in the comments section.
The chicken enchiladas are done.  Time to take them out of the oven and eat supper.  Have a wonderful evening and until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homemade Goodies

Shabby Vintage
Good evening, dear readers!
Jocelin and I had a special "spa day" at home today.  We watched chick flicks, ate chocolates, played gin rummy, and enjoyed facials, manicures and pedicures.  It was so nice to spend some quality down time with my girl!
A few months back, I found a wonderfully useful pin on Pinterest for a homemade sugar hand scrub.  Jocie and I made a batch this afternoon.
You just need sugar (your choice of granulation) and add something like Palmolive dish washing liquid, stirring it in to the consistency you prefer.  I added a small container of rose scented cuticle oil, too.  To use, wet your hands and scoop out an amount and scrub.  It feels wonderful!  Then rinse.  Your hands will be soft & smooth.  I also use this on my feet.  Down here in the Deep South, we wear flip flops and sandals most of the year, so as you can imagine, we need extra TLC for our feet.  Please note that I follow my mani/pedis with Lollia hand crème- it is my absolute favorite!
The other homemade goody I made today was dishwasher powder.  I use a double sifter and mix with the ratio of  1/2 washing soda and 1/2 borax.  For my rinse aid, I use white vinegar with lemon juice.  I plan to make up a batch of liquid detergent this evening.  The internet is full of neat homemade cleaning solutions.  I'm always on the lookout for new ideas.
Well, Rosie Fey is spinning at the door.  Guess I'd better tend to her before there is an "accident".  Have a great evening & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Disc Pearl Pendant

Shabby Vintage
Good morning, dear readers!
Just got Jim off to work for the day and thought I'd go ahead and do my blog post before I get busy with the day's activities.  I was sifting through my pearls this weekend and decided to do a little pendant with one of the gorgeous disc pearls I purchased several months back:
It was needle tatted with Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk in "Herb Garden" and is accented with silver-lined forest green Ornella seed beads and 3mm crystal AB Swarovski bicones, along with a little pinecone charm.
This is how the piece began:
I beaded around the disc pearl and securely knotted the thread before commencing tatting.
This is the first round.  It was inspired by a design I did a few years back using some handmade dichroic glass disc beads.  I personally prefer pearls, but the dichroic disc beads were lovely.  Wish I had some more of them.
Well, I had better get myself together for the busy day ahead.  Rosie Fey is scheduled to have her stitches removed and I can finally bathe her this evening.  Believe me, she needs it!!!  Jocelin and I have some shopping to do for her summer classes and I need to pick up more chicken feed.  May you have a wonderful day full of creativity & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Taking Care of Business

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Please be so kind as to bear with me this week as I am in the process of taking care of a few loose ends concerning our daughter's school.  Her final exams are tomorrow.  While she is testing, I will be busy enrolling her in the correspondence and online college courses she has been wanting to take.
Sorry for all of the interruptions to my usual tatting and blogging schedule, but our daughter is our top priority.  Hopefully, all the drama will soon be over and I'll be back in the Piney Woods creating new artwork to share with you.
Thank you for your patience and encouragement.  It means so much to me when I hear how my blog inspires you.  You, dear readers, help keep me going!  May you have a wonderfully creative and drama free weekend- I certainly hope to.  Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Embellished Magnifying Glass Necklace

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Here is the little bejeweled 1928 magnifying glass necklace with a small bit of tatted embellishment:
More could be added, but my point was to simply show you how to turn a vintage find into a tatted treasure.
Remember the missing stone?
I have no idea whether the stone was blue or pink, but I dug through my beads, pearls and Swarovskis.  The accent I chose is a 6mm rosaline colored Swarovski pearl.  I began by securing the new addition firmly to the magnifying glass, then preceded to complete tatting around the handle.  The thread I used is Purely Silk in "Strawberry Pink".
One of my favorite things is to comb the flea markets, antique/junque shops for hidden treasures.  This necklace cost all of $2.00.  I think it will make a nice stocking stuffer or little gift for someone, don't you?  Go visit your local treasure shops or sift through your own goody boxes and find something to enhance with tatting.  Treasures are everywhere just waiting to be discovered!
Rosie Fey is spinning at the door.  It is past time for her afternoon romp/walk.  Have a great day and find something special to add your tatting to.  Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Magnifying Glass Treasures

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
On one of our last junquing jaunts, Jocie and I happened upon a couple of cute little 1928 (the name of the company that manufactured them) magnifying glass pendants.  Here is the pretty jeweled one:
It is missing one little jewel, but I can either find a replacement or add a pearl or accent tatting.  This one is going to be embellished this evening while I am sitting in the recliner, watching tv.  It also has a long silver chain with crystal bead accents.
Here is the other one we found:
I thought the little squirrel was so cute.  He reminds me of the little visitor I have in the Piney Woods at our picnic table.
Isn't this little booger cute?!?
Anyway, the other pendant is not suitable for tatting enhancement, plus it is rather heavy.  I will probably put him in the next Piney Woods Give Away Event.  What do you think?  Would any of you, my dear readers, like the little squirrel magnifying glass necklace with an extra tatted goody?
Well, I am off to the Atelier to see what beads and pearls will work with the jeweled magnifying glass pendant.  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Monday, May 13, 2013

School Drama

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Sorry, but there will not be much of a blog post today.  There were some major problems that required our attention at our daughter's school.  Don't worry she is just fine and is not in trouble. 
I hope to post something pretty and fun tomorrow barring any other unforeseen emergencies.  Have a wonderful day & until then~
Happy Tatting!

Friday, May 10, 2013

New Sulky Thread Colors

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Clean-up on aisle 6!!! 
Rosie Fey knocked over my hot pink rainbow seed beads & pearls this morning.  I am still picking & vacuuming up seed beads from the sculpted carpet in the Atelier.  Guess I'll finish that Pink Goodies Project this weekend.
My day did have a nice, bright spot.  The 12 wt. Sulky thread I ordered from Uncommon Thread came in!
The colors pictured above are: 1149- deep ecru, 1046- teal, 1230- dark teal, and 1332- deep chartreuse.  I LOVE the teals.  They look so good with the Ornella light cream and dark cream pearl seed beads I like to use.
This weekend is Mother's Day here in the States.  Jim & Jocie have something planned, but will not even give me a hint.  So long as I get to be with them, I'm good.  What are your plans this weekend, dear readers?  Other than enjoying Mother's Day, I plan to finish that pink piece and the lime pendant.  I may even tat a little bit with the new teal thread. 
Rosie Fey is asking to go on her afternoon walk, so I'll sign-off until next week.  Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pink Goodies Project Part One

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
The weather has not co-operated this afternoon for me to get more images of the Pink Goodies Project, but here is what it looked like very early this morning:
I completed the first round and have added 2 accent rounds.  This afternoon & evening I will be adding the center accents.  Be sure to check out the blog tomorrow to view the finished piece!
It was interesting to read your comments and emails about your projects.  It seems as though a lot of us have more projects than time to do them!
Rosie Fey is getting stronger and more active each day.  Keeping her relatively quiet and still is a difficult undertaking!  She is wanting to play tug-of-war so bad, but I worry about her stitches.  Only a week & a half until those stitches can come out- we're counting down, you know.
Speaking of Rosie Fey, she is spinning at the door so I'd better take her out before it starts sprinkling again.  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Projects Galore

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Rosie Fey is doing much better today.  Many thanks for your kind words of support.  She is sleeping at my feet but will probably be up soon- ready for an afternoon walk.
There are so many projects going on in the Atelier!!!  I have something special for tomorrow's blog post.  These are the materials that will be used:
A vintage 4-hole shell button, a new pewter charm that reads "I am the PINK in his world of camo", rainbow hot pink Czech seed beads, hot pink dyed freshwater pearls, Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk in "Roses" and Purely Silk thread in "Strawberry Pink".  What do you think this project will be?
Another project I'm working on is a pendant using Sulky Blendables 12 wt. thread in "Lime Sherbet" with Ornela cream pearl seed beads and Czech silver lined green seed beads.  This is the bare bones foundation:
This will be greatly fleshed out to make a frothy, frilly pendant.
And another little goody I have that Jim & Jocie gave me years ago is this pin:
My "Queen Mother" pin.  I have put this on top of several different tatted backgrounds and worn it on jackets and dresses for Mother's Day each year.  I plan to do a new background for it this year.
Here is my challenge to you, dear readers:  go through your little boxes of treasures and find something fun to create with.  Leave a comment and tell me what goodies you've found to play with.  I love to hear what you are up to, you know!
Well, Rosie Fey is stirring and will be requiring my full attention shortly.  May you have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Road to Recovery

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Rosie Fey is doing better today.  We had a rather rough night as she was restless and very clingy.  I finally got some water and kibble into her and she seems to be bouncing back.  When she is not napping, she is already trying to initiate play.  I'll take that as a very good sign.  I have spent most of the day in my recliner holding Rosie.
If you look closely, you can see the lovely blue I'm painting the Atelier.  I've only got two walls done and am just starting on the others.
This afternoon and evening I will be organizing a couple of shabby vintage projects to feature on the blog.  If Rosie co-operates, I'll have something pretty to share tomorrow.
Well, I had better go.  Rosie is stirring and probably needs to go outside.  Have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Rosie Fey's Surgery

Shabby Vintage
Good evening, dear readers!
It has been a stressful day in the Piney Woods.  I took Rosie Fey to the vet this morning to be spayed and micro chipped.  She came through surgery and chipping just fine, but has been very groggy since we've been home.  She has been in my lap and Jim's.  I wish she'd drink more water, but at the moment, she is just taking a few hesitant laps.  Any advise on what I can do to help my girl be more comfortable and heal quickly?
Here we are shortly after arriving home late this afternoon:
As you can see, we both look rather worn out!  I'm just so glad to have my puppy girl home.
I do not anticipate getting much tatting done tomorrow, but hope to have a new pattern ready to share by the end of the week.  Well, Rosie Fey is wanting her Mama, so I'd better go assume the position in my recliner.  Have a great evening and until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Just Busy

Good evening, dear readers!

Sorry, but I was so busy with miscellaneous things today I forgot to do my blogpost. Not to worry, though! I have lots of wonderful things/projects planned for the week ahead.

Have a great weekend & until Monday-
Happy Tatting!

-Rachel Colvin Jackson, the Piney Woods Tatter

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Dark Ecru Motif In Progress

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
I have been busy with housework today, but did manage to sneak in a little tatting time this morning.  For some reason, the dark ecru 12wt. Sulky thread was beckoning me to do something with it.
I really like to use the Ornella pearl seed beads with this color.  At the moment, I am debating which element to add to the center and how I want to expand the motif.
I have a couple more pieces ready to have images taken, but the weather has not co-operated.  It has been steadily drizzling for the past few hours.  Perhaps I will be able to get images tomorrow.
On the agenda for the rest of the afternoon and evening is cleaning a few vintage accents to feature on the blog next week.  I plan to talk Jim into going to pick up something for supper as I am not in the mood to cook.  Well, I need to check the vintage stashes in the Atelier and make my selections.  Have a wonderful evening & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Playing In The Atelier

Shabby Vintage
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Today has gone so much better that the two previous days!!!  Even though it has been rainy, I have accomplished a good bit in the Atelier.
Here is a lovely little pendant I'm working on using Sulky 12 wt. cotton in "Ecru" with satin silk sand and turquoise Delica seed beads.  The center will have a small sand colored button pearl accent.  I still have about 4 or 5 more rounds before it is complete.
And here is the other special project I'm working on:
©Rachel Colvin Jackson, 1993-2013
I have used crocheted lengths as foundations for couture jewelry pieces for years, but have never shown it to others before.  I crochet a foundation then attach pearls, beads, vintage items and such as well as tatting.  After adding the focal pieces, I then proceed to fill it up with copious tatting.  This piece is going to be for a very special friend who is going through quite an ordeal.  I just felt that she deserved a special little goody to lift her spirits.  I'll post an image when it is complete.
The new blog theme for May is "Shabby Vintage".   I love shabby vintage things and especially enjoy incorporating such elements into my tatting.  I'll have some interesting projects to share this month showcasing how to use treasured finds with your own tatting.  I hope that you'll enjoy it and share your efforts, too!
Well, Rosie Fey is ready for a walk now that the rain has slacked up a bit.  Have a fantastic day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!