
Monday, March 25, 2013

Staycation Day One

Celtic Faire
Good afternoon, dear readers!
It was so nice to sleep in this morning and be lazy.  We are in the midst of a bit of Spring cleaning and a few other activities.  Jim is bottling his most recent batch of stout beer, Jocelin is tending to her chickens and I've been taking tatting breaks in between Spring cleaning chores. 
I found some lovely lavender AB Swarovski bicones whilst cleaning and had to stop and play a bit.  This is what I'm working on:
The thread I'm using is Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk in S49 (Subtle Elegance).  There are also quite a few Czech seed beads, too, in a nice purple/lavender color.  I'm trying to decide what I want to do with the center- add a lavender freshwater pearl or do a fluffy picot center in a complimentary purple.  What do you think?
Our Rosie Fey is growing like a weed!  She is 10 weeks old and is so full of energy and attitude.  Here are some shots from our walk in the Piney Woods yesterday:
"Where's that squirrel, Mama?"
Pollen is everywhere!  My boots are a very dark brown, but they were totally covered in pollen with just a few strides in the woods.
Here she is, being sweet for her Mama.
Well, I had better get back to the cleaning.  I'm sure the scrubbing bubbles have done their thing in the bathroom.  When I'm through there, I hope to get back to my tatting project.  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Your thread may be called Subtle Elegance, but your pendant should be called Total Elegance!!! :)

  2. Oooh that is so pretty! I'm in love with the colors you've chosen. Rosie Fey's so cute!

  3. That dog is so darned cute! A real honey.
    Fox : )

  4. God's Kid is so right. Karen in OR

  5. Gods kid is so right and Fox has summed it up, there's not much left for me to say. It's beautiful, it's too cold here for a walk anywhere, with a bitter easterly Russian wind blowing across the UK, it's not spring it's more like January, parts if the country have snow drifts of twenty feet.

  6. What a sweet-heart! LOVE your recent tattings with the cream and purple colors!
