
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Not Much

Celtic Faire
Good morning, dear readers!
The chicken thief tried it again last night, but could not find a way into the hens.  We are going to put out a few traps this evening and see if we can catch the guilty party.  I still think it is a raccoon.  We've had foxes come through before, but they are never as persistent as raccoons seem to be.
The pendant I was working on using the Trinity foundation did not work out as I'd planned, so it's back to the drawing board.  I've snipped off yesterday's efforts and will begin again in a few minutes.  I did tat for a bit on a necklace project using Sulky Blendables 12 wt. quilting cotton-
The thread colors are very close to this little antique butter pat I use for working with seed beads.
Rosie Fey is getting revved up for her romp in the woods.  As soon as we finish, I plan to spend the day tatting away.  Let's hope I have better luck with different counts for that Trinity pendant!  Have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!