
Friday, March 1, 2013

Celtic Faire

Celtic Faire
Good morning, dear readers!
The blog theme for March is Celtic Faire.  I have several new interlocking chain ring motifs to share.  Each week will feature an ICR foundation with different options to flesh it out.  We will begin on Monday with an ICR motif of 3, the next week 4 and so on.  The Valdani threads I have put aside for this month are fabulous!
Rosie is slowly adjusting to being an Atelier dog.  She wants to chew everything!  I've gotten her some puppy teething chews, but she prefers my boots and socks.  Let's hope she learns to settle down on her dog bed and not chew my feet while I tat.  That is very distracting- puppy teeth are very sharp!  Jim says she just wants my attention regardless of how much tatting I need to do.
Well, I am off to dig in the Atelier closet and see what items I can find that are St. Pat's or Celtic themed.  There should be some nice sterling silver shamrock charms in there along with some triskelions.  Have a nice weekend and be sure to check out the FREE pattern on Monday's blogpost.  Until then~
Happy Tatting!


  1. I can't wait to see this month's celtic motifs! Glad your new puppy is adjusting :) Puppies are fun

  2. Looking forward to seeing your new pattern
    Have a good weekend
