
Friday, January 18, 2013

WB Motif No. 3 Outer Rounds

Winter Blossoms
Good afternoon, dear readers!
I actually got some tatting done this morning.  Harry, our daughter's dog, has decided it is now his job to lay at my feet while I tat.  He has been a velcro puppy since Lily Fey's passing.  Here are the completed outer rounds of the Winter Blossom Motif No. 3 pendant:
Both chain rounds have a count of 25 stitches.  You will need 20 seed beads.  DO NOT ADD BEADS TO THREAD YET.
Run tatting needle through small picot to the left of any bead set previously tatted.  Pick up 1 seed bead with needle, CH 25 CL + to corresponding picot on next previously tatted CH.  Continue around pendant.
For the second round, cut a length of silk as you will be weaving the working thread through the CHs you just tatted.  Run needle through picot to the right of the bead set, pick up 1 seed bead.  CH 25 CL + to corresponding picot on the next previously tatted CH.  Pull the working thread through and continue around the pendant motif. 
*Helpful Hint*- I thread the other thread end with another needle when I work with a long length of thread.  It helps to keep the thread from becoming tangled as easily and gives you better control of your work.
I will be adding the center accents this afternoon and may do a rare weekend blogpost.  I am debating whether to add a cultured pearl or another smaller carved MOP antique button.  What will I do?  Hmmm...
Many thanks, again, for all of the kind words concerning the loss of my dear Lily Fey.  You have made a difficult time easier.
Well, I am going to get my plant nursery & grocery store lists together & head out to run errands.  Have a wonderful weekend and until later~
Happy Tatting! 


  1. Such a beautiful design emerging!!! :)

  2. Thank you for taking the time to write out the directions for your design. I appreciate the work you have put into sharing with your readers

  3. I don't understand your special tip. Are you working off of the ball?

  4. rsmre,
    The second chain of the outer round is worked using a length of thread cut from the silk spool. I find it most helpful to thread the other end with a second needle as it keeps the thread more in control and less likely to tangle. Hope this helps :-)

  5. I'm very new to tatting and find your blog full of gorgeously designed and tatted pieces. This is simply lovely and the thread colour is beautiful.
