
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

RIP Lily Fey

Winter Blossoms
Good morning, dear readers.
It is with a heavy and sorrow filled heart that I write my blogpost this morning.  My puppy angel, Lily Fey, passed away in her sleep this morning.  She was almost 10 years old- which is pretty good for an American bulldog.  I shall miss her more than words can express.  She was a loyal companion, a fierce protector and the most loving dog I have ever had.  Lily was a gentle puppy soul who just loved being with her people.  She was my constant companion in the Atelier and made each day a joy.
We all loved her so very much.
I will miss watching her drag Jim all through the Piney Woods.  She loved to play tug-of-war with a stick.
I will get back to tatting as soon as I can, but my heart simply cannot today.
Well, Jim and I are headed to the back acreage to lay our angel to rest.
Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Dearest Rachel,

    I've long been an invisible reader of your beautiful blog so you don't know me or even know of me, but I want to send you a great big virtual hug at the loss of your beloved Lily Fey. I'm so sorry.

    Our pets are more than just an animal; they are members of our families in ways bigger than we ever knew they could be, and when they leave, they leave a hole in our hearts. My sympathies. Our pet losses are hard. Please let the stories of Lily Fey flow. They are what will keep her close.

    Heidi, TCTatter

  2. I am so sorry for your lost, a puppy companion is a treasure like no other. I still miss my big boy more than two years later...the new pups have not quite filled his place in my heart. May you rejoice in the good times and memories made with your faithful companion.

  3. So sorry for your loss. It is heart breaking when we loose our furry children. Sending comforting prayers your way.

  4. My heart goes out to you - know exactly how you feel - there isn't a day goes by I don't miss Belle and it's been over 8 months now. They just have a magical way of capturing our hearts, don't they? Keep those wonderful memories alive.

  5. Rachel, I understand the large hole a beloved family member leaves behind when they are no longer with us. We lost our black lab, Cody, over a year ago. I often think of him playing fetch and running through heaven's fields while he waits for us to join him there. One day the pain of losing your Lily Fey will soften, and the joy of memories will outweigh the loss. Hugs

  6. So sorry for your loss, our animals are a part of us aren't they.

  7. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Lily Fey -- I enjoyed reading about your adventures together. I could tell that she was a wonderful friend. There's something so special about the unconditional love that one has from a pet. There really is nothing else like it in the world. Hugs to you.

  8. So sorry for your loss. She looks like such a sweet dog.

  9. Rachel,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you at this very sad time.

  10. So sorry about your Lily Fey. I lost my puppy after 13 years and was devastated so I feel your pain. Puppies make the best companions.

  11. So Sorry! I am glad you all had each other - even though the time was too short. She was a beautiful girl. I love brindles.

  12. My deepest sympathies on the death of Lily Fey -- the four-footed ones in our lives provide such generous companionship. Their presence does so much to brighten our days. Their loss causes true sorrow. Sending gentle and tender thoughts your way.
    Peace, Mary Kay (emkay)

  13. I am sorry to hear the news, I loved hearing about bloggers pets, I myself have a very heavy heart at the moment with passing of Vernon's dad and hid dads uncle the next day. Both funerals are next week Wednesday and Thursday.
    I glad she died in her sleep and was not in pain,
    My thoughts and payers are with you and your family.
    Sending you a big hug,
    Take care
    Love Margaret

  14. I am sorry to hear of the passing of such a good friend. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
