
Thursday, January 31, 2013

More Storm Damage

Winter Blossoms
Good afternoon, dear readers!
Well, yesterday I worked to get the debris picked-up around the house and set my potted plants out on the front porch.  It appears that I was tempting fate.  We had another line of very gusty winds come through.  My potted plants were smashed on the front porch before I knew it!  I've been busy today trying to recover as much as I could.  I'm especially upset about the large aloe vera plant.  It was in a nice terra cotta hand thrown pot.  I hope I have saved as much of it as I could.  The root tone container is almost empty from my efforts.  The gardenias were smashed badly and I don't know if they will pull through.  The succulent terrarium is beyond repair.  My hen & chicks are crushed along with the jade plants.
As you can tell, I have not done any tatting today.  After Jim gets home, we are grilling supper and I plan to settle in my tatting chair for the remainder of the evening.  Perhaps I'll have some nice new eyecandy to kick off the first post in February.  You know, each month this year will have a different theme.  Be sure to check out the blog tomorrow for February's theme! 
Time to go dig in the deep freeze for meat to grill.  Hope you have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. So sorry to hear about your loss, but I'm glad that no one was hurt and that your house didn't get damaged. The wind here in central NC has been fierce lately with large branches falling through the night. I hate to hear the wind roar through our neighborhood because of all the old & dying trees surrounding my place. Hope all is calm out your way now.

  2. Those were some winds. Everything on our breezeway was blown into the carport. Hubby spent all day cleaning up our and our neighbor(she's 80) yard. He had just cleaned from the last run of storms. Thankful we were not in the areas without electricity. The weather changes so fast here in Louisiana. Happy tatting!

  3. It's amazing how much of the country these storms and winds can cover! Here in PA we had a drastic drop in temperatures and had some gusts with blowing snow (then the sun came out briefly!) but nothing like the destructive weather in the Southern states. That's too bad about your plants! It must have been a surprise that more wind came through! I'm glad you have your tatting to help soothe nerves!
