
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Not My Week

Good morning, dear readers!
We sure had some very strong winds last night.  Our yard is littered with fallen branches and tons of pine straw.  Early this morning, when I usually sit down to do my blog posts, I noticed that I did not have internet service.  Our phone lines were still working- but no internet.  I guess this is just not my week for blogging.  Today I will be cleaning up the fallen branches and getting ready for Christmas.  I still have housecleaning and cooking to do.  Tomorrow is our annual "Mama/Daughter Pre-Christmas Spa Date".  Jocelin and I will spend the day being pampered & getting pretty for the holiday.
Well, the downed limbs aren't going to magically pick themselves up and stack themselves on the burn pile.  Guess I'll get to it so maybe I can have some time this afternoon for tatting.  I hope your week is going better than mine!  Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Nothing like extra work on top of the usual holiday pressures!

  2. Sounds like my week on Wednesday I started to bake Cramberry Walnut bread, I got mixed and my sister called and came over for three hours. Cookies on Wednesday, today we have almost a foot of heavy snow so shoveled snow for an hour or two and then came in and finished baking cookies. Now with some luck I will get candy made tomorrow. In a little while I need to go out and shovel what has blown on the drive and side walk hoping the winds die down. back to work.

  3. May you injoy your spa day with Jocelin and forget the pressures. Family is more important and sounds like you know that. Merry Christmas, Karen in OR
