
Monday, December 17, 2012

FREE Christmas Doodle Pattern

Good morning, dear readers!
It has been a long and very tiring weekend.  Jocelin had a fantastic time being on the Homecoming court for her school.  I am still worn out from it all!!!
I did take a moment to play with some Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk on Sunday & decided to share the pattern with you.  You can use it for a gift topper, pendant, brooch, ornament, etc.  It's another basic foundation.  I used S775 & S9 with a size 8 tatting needle with red & green Czech seed beads for accents.
To begin, string 18 seed beads onto S775 Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk and tat a series of 6 ICRs with the following counts:
9 very small - 3 - (with 3 seed beads) 3 very small - 9 CL
The next round is very simple & uses Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk in S9.  Run the tatting needle through a very small - to the left of the beads, pick up a seed bead with the needle & CH 7 very small - 7 CL.  Snug up the bead, using your finger to position it. Join to next very small -, pick up a seed bead with needle and CH 3 very small - 3 CL.  Continue around motif.  Use your fingers to shape it as you go.  Before you tie & cut the silk, place a small dot of jeweler's adhesive to the knot.
I will probably add more to this, but thought it would make an interesting quick project for you.  You can add a pearl, Swarovski, jingle bell, or even a button to the center to make the piece uniquely yours.  Hope you enjoy it!
Before I forget to add it, here is an image of Jocelin shortly after we arrived at the gym for her school's Homecoming game & court presentation-
Our girl is almost grown!
Well, I have loads of laundry and housework awaiting me today.  Let's hope I can get in some more tatting time so I can re-do that last round on the 2012 Snowflake design!  I was not pleased with my initial counts and think it will be better once I revise it.  I'll get that up as soon as I finish it.  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Looks a lovely snowflake, thank you for the pattern

  2. Thank you for sharing the pattern. Upon first glance the beads looked like a wrapped package - gold wrapping, dark ribbon and red bow or holly on top.
    Jocelin is a lovely young lady. I have enjoyed reading about the Homecoming preparation so am happy to see the results. Karen in OR
