
Friday, December 28, 2012


Good morning, dear readers!
Well, we FINALLY have our power back on.  It went out very early this morning during another thunderstorm.  The rain doesn't bother me, but I hate when the power goes out.  I did have some new tatting to show you, but have not had the chance to go outside to take images.  Guess I'll wait til the rain quits to do that. 
Thanks to those who have voted in the poll.  I am still contemplating several options and have something to run by you.  What about a monthly "theme" for the blog?  The FREE pattern will be something inspired by the theme.  Just an idea... let me know what you think.
Well, I had better get off my duff and cook some brunch for Jim & Jocie.  Have a great day & I'll take those images as soon as the weather permits.  Until later~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Oh, the trials of country living. We were fortunate not to lose power but have friends who lost theirs.But, all the plus' make it worth living in a rural area. I think a theme would make it even more interesting. Thanks for including your readers in the "thought process".

  2. We lose power every now and then here in the boondocks of north Dakota too. Not fun sometimes. Lost power for 6 days once in a terrible ice storm. had to milk cows by generator power.
    The theme idea is a good one. you come up with the best ideas.

  3. If you waited to take pictures here in the UK you would wait a very long time and possible only photo in the summer, we have had nothing but rain rain and more rain, quite a bit of the country of Somerset is under floods, we are lucky we live high up in the mendips, the south west has been bit very hard over the last two weeks, travel has been very limited over Christmas with repairs to the railways over the Christmas to restore the flood damage, it's an improving picture if the rain had been snow we would have cut off months ago.
    I love your idea of a theme each month and perhaps the theme could be a challenge for the other blog to join in.
    I hope you have a better day and the power stays on.

  4. Glad you got power back. We are due to get a "winter storm" tomorrow -- could be snow, could be slush, could be very cold rain. Good day to stay home & heaven knows I've got plenty to do around here.
    I like the theme idea... You could take that all different directions --- kind of obvious, traditional ones -- or something more unexpected. I look forward to whatever you come up with.

  5. It has been awhile since we've been w/o power for every long. But I do remember it well, so I feel your pain.

    I like the idea of a monthly theme. You are so creative that you would be just the person to pull something difficult like that off.
