
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Button Stash & New Acquisitions

Good morning, dear readers!
It's Election Day here in the USA- if you have not voted already, please do so.  We will be heading out to vote as soon as the polls open this morning.
I spent a good portion of yesterday digging through the closet in the Atelier.  This was a very good thing to do because I found several items I'd "hidden" from myself.  The long lost jar of MOP (mother-of-pearl) antique buttons was found behind a large box of fingering weight wool.  It had somehow slid behind and I was so pleased to find it!  I went through the jar, sorted and cleaned the buttons and placed them in an organizer on my jewler's bench.  Here are just a few of the buttons:
Can't you just see all of the lovely pendants and brooches that these will make?!?  What do you think- shall I do a special piece for a giveaway event?  Pendant or brooch?  Leave your comments on this post and I'll announce in tomorrow's post what event I'll do.
Oh- I forgot to post images of my new acquisitions!  A dear friend of mine (Tommee) is a big fan of vintage jewelry.  She is moving into creating her own OOAK jewelry and is thinning out her vintage costume jewelry stock.  I was lucky enough to acquire a Whiting & Davis intaglio brooch and pendant:
The thing that makes Whiting & Davis so special is the superior mountings they used and the fact that they used rock crystal, not glass, for the intaglios.
I also have a gold-toned brooch like this that I'm working on.
So many anchoring possibilities are on both the brooch and pendant!  What colors should I use on these?  I have some wonderful dyed pearls and Swarovskis that would be great accents.  Any suggestions???
Well, Lily is spinning and Jim is grumbling.  Time for a run after I give the old bear his coffee.  May you have a fantastic day full of creativity & don't forget to tell me what you'd like the next giveaway event to be in the comments!!!  Until Wednesday~
Happy Tatting!


  1. All those buttons and the pendant and brooch are going to look stunning with your talented tatting on them!!! :)

  2. Whatever you do with the pendants and buttons, I am sure they will be beautiful! If you choose a give away, please count me in. I need the challenge of a pretty button!

  3. Those buttons are just itching to be used in something special, I think a pendant in your giveaway would be nice.
    Hope you have a good day.

  4. I already love buttons, and because of your talent and tatting, you have inspired me to make some button snowflakes of my own :) what ever you make will be beautiful!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry about the last comment. This iPad is hard to type on without errors. I love the large button in the center, with the holes around the edge. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  7. The broach and pendant you acquired are going to be very pretty. I can't imagine anyone one not being pleased with one of your button creations in a giveaway. As Caseymini stated, the large button in the middle will be stunning, but I rather like the octagonal button on the left.

  8. As I have a collection of pendants and wear them all the time, I would love to have the opportunity to win a pendant made from one of those lovely MOP buttons! How neat that you found them! Of course, I wouldn't turn down a brooch, either! It would be a privilege to own one of your original pieces of tatted jewelry!

    It's amazing how many filigree pieces come your way! You should have a field day with those sent by your friend!
