
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fairy Queen Pendant

Here she is:
And she took almost a full spool of Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk to complete!
Here is another image that will give you a better idea of the more dimensional center:
I went back and added 1 gunmetal seed bead in between the Swarovski pearls in the center.  This gives the pendant more stability as the silk is very soft and flexible.  The outer two rounds are tatted with the same counts and are joined between the 1st & 2nd, and 2nd & 3rd seed beads of the inner accent rounds.  Here is an image of the 1st complete outer round:
Run needle through (join at) junction of 1st & 2nd seed bead, CH 21 CL + at corresponding spot on next CH, (skipping the inner accent round with the seed bead, pearl, seed bead focal accent- these are meant to be left free of ornamentation unless you choose to add more rounds to the pendant) continue around motif.  Tat in the same manner around the motif between the 2nd & 3rd seed beads, weaving the CHs as you go.  Tie & cut, hide ends and add a jump ring.  NOTE:  I use a small dot of jeweler's adhesive to the silk before I cut it as it will sometimes slip out of a finishing knot.
I hope you have enjoyed this pattern and be sure to stay tuned to the blog this week as I plan to post another FREE pattern on Tuesday!  It will be tatted in a vibrant hunter orange Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk and feature some fabulous red/orange Swarovski bicones.  Plus, if I am blessed with abundant tatting mojo, there may be yet another pattern Friday!!!  Yes, I've been on a roll this weekend.  And not just with tatting.  I've been beading and working on making foundations for my tatting.  This is a necklace I strung Saturday:
The necklace is made of grey peacock Ornella seed beads, lavender peacock dyed freshwater pearls, and purple Austrian crystal rondells.  It has a lovely filigree clasp.  The glare was such that I couldn't get a good image with the clasp- sorry.  I think this necklace needs to be enhanced with tatting done in "Forgotten Lavender" Valdani Luxury Pearl Silk.  Should I add some more seed beads to the tatting accents?  What do you think?
Well, I have got to run.  The Saints are playing the Packers this afternoon and I have to get game food prepared.  Comfort food is more like it- I don't hold out much hope for my Saints in this one.  They're not doing too well this season and the Packers are a tough team.  May you have a wonderful weekend & until Monday~
Happy Tatting!



  1. Your pendant is a gorgeous work of art!! :)
    And your necklace has such beautiful colors in it!! :)

  2. Beautiful "Fairy Queen." Those colours are wonderful.
    Fox : )

  3. Your pendant is totally wow, I love it and those beads in the necklace are lovely,

  4. Even though I remember seeing this awhile back, I'm only now realizing you started this pendant from 'scratch' and it does not have a piece of jewelry as a base! AND you provided the instructions! I believe I was distracted by other things at the time and wasn't paying attention! As usual, you have an artistic eye and excellent needle tatting skills. I'd really love to try tatting this, but I would need a good block of 'quiet time' so I could concentrate. And I want to practice working with beads! Thanks so much for the pattern! It's a gorgeous piece!
