
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dad's Surgery

Good morning, dear readers!
I am getting ready to head to the hospital shortly as Dad is having surgery this morning.  Please keep him in your prayers- my mom, too, as she has to put up with him afterwards!  I will let you know the state of things in tomorrow's post.
Don't worry- I have been working on a tatting goody to share with you very soon.  A new FREE pattern!  I should have plenty of time today to finish it while sitting in the waiting room.
Well, I'm off.  Have a great day and until Wednesday~
Happy Tatting!

Dad came through surgery just fine and is in recovery.  We expect him to be able to go home later this afternoon.  Now comes the hard part- healing and physical therapy!

Many thanks for all the prayers- our family greatly appreciates them all!

And be sure to check the blog tomorrow- I'm planning on posting a special goody.


  1. Good luck, hope every thing goes well

  2. I've said a little prayer that the surgery goes well, and your Dad recovers quickly.

  3. Wishing your dad, mom and yourself good luck after the surgery. I'm an old pro with surgeries as I have way to many. Hope all is alright and he and your mom will be in my prayers..!!
