
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Little More Blue

Good morning!
I sure am enjoying these cooler temperatures.  Hot cocoa is my favorite way to start the day, but I did have a disappointment this morning.  The naughty dishwasher has struck again!  My favorite mug ( a lovely handthrown ceramic mug with a neat green glaze finish) was shattered in the top rack.  Anyone know of a potter who makes nice, bigger mugs for hot chocaholics- OOPS, I mean hot cocoa afficianados?  I need a new mug- the coffee mugs just don't cut it for me.
My finger is slowly healing.  It would be much better if I were not such a clutz- I keep bumping it.  I did manage to get another round of the "Aquamarine" Dinky Dyes accent tatted:
What do you think?  I am plotting the next rounds and hope to get more done today. 
Well, I am going back for cup number 2 of hot cocoa before settling down to tat in the Atelier.  Hope you have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. I'm a big fan of Tom Jones Pottery He's not too far from where my mom lives, and I try to visit every time I go to visit her in Alabama. Tom does custom work as well as the pieces that are in his shop. I think his craftsmanship is top notch... especially for a hot cocoa aficionado!

  2. You and I would get along great with the cocoa!!! I can't stand to have to use the normal coffee mugs either. My daughter got me a large snowman mug which I love! And use often!!! And I have several different mugs(not as large) which I have to keep from everyone else because they are cocoa mugs not coffee mugs! :)
    Your star design is coming along so beautifully!!! :)

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only cocoa lover out there! I'm putting together my cocoa mix recipes to post on the blog this holiday season ;-)

  3. I drink coffee, not cocoa, but I do not like most mugs - so I always use a big, fine china mug. Not cup, but mug. English porcelain - feels wonderful in the hand. If I do drink hot chocolate, it works in there as well as tea does too.
    Fox : )

    1. Funnily enough, in a French specialty shop - you know, one of those shabby chic places... It is fine bone china, designed by Cath Kidston, and says on the bottom her name and 'exclusively by Queens'.

      It is an oversized mug.

      Here is the website I just found!!!

      I highly recommend this make of mug!
      Fox : ))

    2. My exact mug!

      Fox : ))

  4. I like a large mug, too, for whatever hot drink I'm having. Loving the blue on the star design.

  5. You mean you don't have a large selection of soup mugs for your hot cocoa.!?!?!? I'm always watching for them as my kids actually use them for soup and hide them in their rooms or break them. Some of my favorites have been vacation souvenirs.

  6. That must be one of the prettiests pieces I've seen. I want to make that picture my screensaver. ^_^ It just makes me smile everytime I look at it.

  7. try Sherry on etsy, she has some gorgeous large mugs with tatted motifs in the clay/glaze.
    She has one left.
    I have one, and like it alot.
    I drink tea and don't add any sugar or honey, there is too much sugar in Cocoa but I love the taste of Cocoa.

  8. Is this Spontaneous Combustion week? 1) Your mug yesterday 2)a friend had soda pop explode in the fridge 3) my oatmeal exploded in the microwave this morning -- this is just kind of eerie...
