
Friday, August 31, 2012

Storm Aftermath

Good morning!
It seems as though we missed the really bad part of Isaac.  Folks in South Louisiana and Mississippi are having problems with flooding, so please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
I did not get much tatting done yesterday.  It was a bit cooler so I took out my crochet project (which is wool) and worked on it.
Jim, Jocie & I got out in the Jeep for a bit to check out the local damage, but it wasn't as bad as predicted.  We donated some items and helped at a local storm shelter before heading home.
Jocelin will be returning to school today before the long Labor Day holiday weekend.  I'll be busy in the yard- picking up fallen limbs, raking up debris, and assessing the damage to our garden.  Well, I will if the rain lets up.  We are still getting a gentle, yet steady rain.  I plan to spend the weekend tatting as much as possible and getting the Blogversary winners' goodies packaged and ready to ship.  Hope you have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!  Until next week~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Have been following the news of the storm through the papers.Glad to know that you and your family are okay.

  2. Hi Rachel
    I saw the floods on euro news last night, I thought of you as I travelled to Rhodes Greece, I am glad to hear you are safe, and things are not too bad for you
    Take care

    1. Thanks, Margaret. Now if it will only stop raining so I can clean up the storm debris from our yard!

  3. So glad to know that you and yours are safe and well!

    1. Thanks, Suztats, we are all doing very well. Still worried and concerned about those who live in the heavily flooded areas, though. Here's hoping the sun will be out soon and that the waters recede quickly!

  4. Glad the worst seems to be over for you.

  5. How charitable of you to donate some items at the local storm shelter, Rachel. :) Well, it's good to know that the damages of the storm weren't that bad. Don't worry, just remember, there's always a rainbow after the rain.
