
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back to School Frenzy

Good morning, dear readers!  I am afraid that I do not have much to show you in the way of tatting today.  There are a number of prototypes I'm currently playing with, but they are not quite ready for sharing. 

 As a matter of fact, I got thoroughly ticked-off and cut one up into teensy, tinsy little giblets.  It is now decorating the wastebin in the Atelier.  Yep, every now & then I have a day of massive tatting frustration.

After an unproductive morning in the Atelier, Jocelin and I went in search of the last school supplies on her lists. She was also in "need" of new make-up before the official classroom days start.  Prices sure have gone up!!!  Of course, she has sensitive skin (like me) so we can't buy the drugstore variety.  It is good that we only do this a couple of times a year.

Have you commented on the Blogversary Giveaway post?  Have you let me know which prize package you prefer?  If not, be sure to because 3 winners will be selected on August 29th, 2012!

Well, I certainly hope to have more to show you tomorrow.  Let's hope my tatting mojo roars back to life and I get those pesky prototypes to co-operate!  May you have a wonderful day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

1 comment:

  1. We all get the days when mojo disappears down the drain. Hope tomorrow will be better.

