
Monday, July 16, 2012

Still Plugging Away

Well, I managed to get some of the Romance of the Piney Woods collection up on the Atelier website, but not nearly all of it.  My photo software had an update that somehow does not work well with the webserver I use.  I've contacted tech support but haven't heard back yet.  I may move the image files to another editing software to see if that works, but really don't want to waste valuable design time.  Sooner or later I'll get it figured out and all of the pieces up.  Many thanks for your patience!!!

I do have a little peek for you of a current work-in-progress:

This is going to be a OOAK original piece in the upcoming Camo Couture collection.  I actually lucked up on two of these vintage pins!!!  Each will be given a different renovation.

There are a couple of Eternity pendants waiting for final touches and the pin pictured above is still teasing me with it's possibilities.  Guess I'd better get busy tatting, then check my email later- let's hope TS has a solution for me!  Have a great day & until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

1 comment:

  1. It seems we all have problems with the internet, your pendant is looking lovely as far.
