
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tatting More Foundations

I have been busy this morning tatting more pendant/brooch foundations. 

The goal is to have a fair few of these done so I can focus on embellishing them over the weekend.
I have been uing various Valdani pearl cottons and silks with a wide assortment of vintage buttons in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

The pearls and Swarovskis in my Atelier are all neatly lined-up on the design table.  The Czech seed beads and art glass buttons have also been arranged in the watchmaker tins.  It takes more time than you would think to get all of the things I use for accents rounded up and laid out!

Many thanks to my dear readers who have offered name suggestions and kind words about the pendant featured in yesterday's post.  I am still contemplating a new name and will let you know soon!

Well, I had better get back to work tatting those foundations. I'll be sure to take an image of some of them to share with you tomorrow.
Oh- please vote on the poll as I am considering what the next Piney Woods Event will be!
Have a fantastic day doing whatever makes your soul sing!
Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

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