
Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Star Flower Earring Pattern

This is another pattern from the Atelier website that I thought I'd share with you.  I originally designed these to be Poinsettia flower earrings at Christmas, but have adapted them to use year round by varying the thread and bead colors used.

Poinsettia/Star Flower Earrings
The above was tatted using size 16 Finca white perle cotton, lavender Delica seed beads are the accents. The earwires are sterling silver French hooks and can be purchased from Fire Mountain Gems.
Working off ball, thread needle. String 24 seed beads.
R6 long- (slide 6 seed beads onto long -) 6 CL RW
CH6- (slide 3 seed beads onto -)6 CL RW
R6 slide 1 seed bead over then + to long - 6 CL RW
Repeat these steps until you have a medallion of 6 Rings & 6 Chains, tie & cut.
Thread needle. Slide needle through any Ring & Chain junction from back to front.
CH8 CL + between 1st & 2nd seed bead.Ch 3 of 1st 1/2 ds, then 3 of 2nd 1/2, then 3 of 1st 1/2 CL + between 2nd & 3rd seed bead. CH8 CL + to next Ring & Chain junction. Continue around motif. Tie & cut.
Cut a length of thread and secure it to - thread of center of motif. Run needle through adjacent seed dead. Take 3 seed beads on needle and run through bead. Continue around. When complete, repeat the process using 5 seed beads. Tie & cut.
Using round nose pliers, open loop of French hook and lay point of motif over. Gently close the loop being careful to COMPLETELY close. Your motif can slip off if the finding is not closed completely. Sometimes I add a couple addintional seed beads: one in front of motif, one behind.

Have fun playing with the pattern- put a button or larger bead in the center, or a pearl.  Vary the beading you do in the center, tat it using 2 different thread colors.  I'd love to see what you come up with!

Well, I had better run.  It's time for my morning hike.
Until tomorrow~
Happy tatting!


  1. Thanks Rachel, I need some new earrings.

  2. Thank you Rachel for posting this pattern again! It is one of my alltime favorite earring patterns!

  3. These are so lovely, but I am a shuttle tatter. Is it possible to do this with a shuttle?

    1. Hello Texas Tatter, rings are rings and chains are chains, so yes, you should be able to do this with a shuttle. the only difference might be the way you do a join, but they would still be in the same position.
