
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Playing With Leftovers

There was just a bit of pink and purple thread left at the bottom of my portable tatting box, so I decided to see what I could do with the leftovers.

The sunlight outside is so bright that I could not get a better image.  I'll try again a bit later- perhaps this afternoon.

Here is my challenge to you, dear readers:  find a way to creatively use that last little bit of thread you have left to tat something.  It's amazing what you can do with just a small amount of thread.

Well, I have played with the tatting today, so I'd better get to the yard work.  We are putting in the herb garden this weekend and I still have prep work to do before Jim can do his part.  Have a wonderful day!
Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Hi Rachel,

    Lovely piece of tatting using up bits, I made flowers out of my bits, I use them up either making pictures or decorating my firends message frames I make.


  2. My tatting group makes little flowers when clearing off the last bit on a shuttle. Then we glue them to colored paper strips and pass them out as bookmarks at any demo events we participate in. We include info about our Facebook page on the back side of the bookmark so people can contact us later if they're interested in learning to tat.

  3. In the past I made simple butterflies and simple flowers. I made them in all sizes of thread for practice, and I stored them in a fancy jelly jar. Friends of the family visited, and I gave many of them to their little girls. They liked them, but I could see that they had no idea of what to do with them. I suggested that they glue the butterflies and the flowers to the pictures that they would draw for their grandparents.

  4. I often have people ask me just what is tatting. So, I designed a label(shipping size) defining tatting. I use the little leftover threads to make little "doodles" like small butterflies, tiny hearts, etc. Then using glue dots I place them on the label. Whether I am selling or giving away my tatting I find a way to include the label. The doodle visually draws them to the label. I've received many nice comments about the labels.
