
Friday, February 10, 2012

Zip, Zero, Nada

Good afternoon, dear readers.  I am sorry to say that I have absolutely zip, zero, nada tatting to share with you today.  My day has been filled with taking care of an insurance claim concerning the accident yesterday where I was rear-ended.  It seems that you have to talk to multiple people about "everything", but I hope "everything" is now squared away and I can focus on having a quiet, relaxing yet productive weekend full of tatting adventures.

I am still waiting to hear from the "Be My Valentine" event winner number 1, SpareMomentsStitching.
  Please be so kind as to contact me no later than this weekend.  If I do not hear from winner number 1, then winner numbers 2 & 3 move up & a new winner number 3 will be drawn.  I'd like to get all the goodies sent out before Valentine's Day.

Well, I am off to make myself a bit more presentable.  Jim is taking me out for dinner this evening and I'd like to actually put on something nice and a little make-up for a change.  Have a wonderful weekend doing whatever makes your soul sing!  Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a wonderful meal out and have a brilliant weekend
