
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Goodies From Stitcher's Workshop

The Piney Woods are drenched this Saturday!  The rain has settled over Louisiana and it isn't moving out fast enough to suit me.  Oh, well... at least it slacked up enough for me to dash into the woods & take a couple of shots of the threads I got at the Stitcher's Workshop yesterday.

Pictured above in an antique Bavarian tea pot is the selection of Caron Wildflowers thread I had to have along with a few of my favorite Czech art glass buttons.  The Coral Blush is especially pretty, although the image does not do it justice.

There is a special St. Patrick's day project bouncing around in my head where I envision using the DMC pearl cotton threads & Czech button imaged above.  Pat had just the colors I needed in stock!

The rain is pouring down again.  Days like this make me want to curl up with a big mug of hot cocoa and watch old movies. 
 Don't know if I'll get much tatting done, but at least I gave you a hint of the wonderful goodies I found yesterday. 
 Have a wonderful weekend doing whatever makes your soul sing. 
Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!


  1. gorgeous!!! I love that green button bead! If it comes up missing, don't look this way, I do NOT have it!! :)

  2. Lovely colors and I look forward to seeing your creations with them. Karen in OR

  3. Gorgeous threads I am looking forward to seeing what you do with them

  4. that's a lovely vintage tea pot, and the threads are gorgeous!
