
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Simple Celtic Earring Pattern

At the request of several folks, here is the pattern for my "Simple Celtic Earring":

Copyright Rachel Colvin Jackson, 1996-2012

R 12 CL
CH 9 - 9 CL + to top bar of 4th ds to the right.
CH 17 + to top bar of the next 4th ds to the right.
CH 17 + to base of first CH tatted from the front to the back.
Run needle through the top bar of the ds next to the first CH tatted, cut a length of thread and pull to the front and tat around motif using a CH 17 count through out as you did for the first round.  Do the same for the 3rd round.  Tie & cut, hide ends.
A bead may be added to the picot and an earring finding.

Also note:  there is another top bar that can be used for an additional round to create a more dense motif or for adding beading or overtatting.
A R count of 9 may be used for the foundation with chain joins every 3 ds.
This is a basic motif that can be accented and enhanced in a myriad of ways.  Just have fun!

I will tat a few pairs, vary them and post on the blog later this week.  Hope you enjoy the design!
Until Monday~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Oh, Rachel, thank you so very much. I was one of the tatters that was asking you for the pattern. I came across it on Ring of Tatters. Thanks again.

  2. Thanks rachel!! i tat with shuttle but i think i must be able to do this motif..

  3. I wish I lived next door to you, but see as how I don't....I really appreciate you posting all these beautiful patterns and helpful notes to. Beautiful work....

  4. Son preciosos y gracias por compartir ,pero tengo problema ,por que yo no entiendo como hacerlo ,no hay video del patron es que de esa forma si lo podria hacer,pues nunca he echo y lo que hago es viendo videos
    muchas gracis nuevamente
