
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cause & Effect

Thanks to a fabulous shipment of fiber goodies courtesy of Valdani yesterday, there was only one thing for me to do today...
 go shopping!

I purchased some beautiful, sparkly Swarovskis, cute little seed beads, and a few strands of elegant fresh water pearls.
The local bead shop, which is actually a few towns over, had a great holiday theme going!  Who can resist Christmas music, hot cocoa and a shop full of all kinds of beads???  I certainly spent a relaxing, yet stimulating morning browsing their selection.

The day was made even better thanks to a lunch date with my husband.  We seldom have the luxury of lunch together as he works out-of-town, but since I had shopping to do, I took advantage of the opportunity.

After my lunch with Jim, I headed to the quilt shop and had to buy just a few lengths of fabric.

The Fig Tree & Co. fabric designed by Joanna Figueroa is among my favorite fabric because she uses many of the same colors I prefer to use in my own work.  The little 5" squares in the charm pack pictured above are soon to be added to one of my inspiration boards!  I also found a couple of other lengths of fabric that have some pretty peaches and roses- they just couldn't be left behind.

Before I knew it, it was time to head back towards home & pick the kid up from school.  Jocie has been sticking her nose in all my bags- oohing & aahing over the beads & fabric.  I wonder what she'll try to sneak into her stash first...

Don't forget that this Sunday, December 4th, is the deadline for clicking the google "Join this Site" button to follow the blog & be entered to win the Piney Woods Xmas Thread Giveaway!!!

Sorry for the lack of tatting, but this is all a part of my world.  I love tatting, but I also love shopping for accents and other fiber art goodies.  The artistic stimulation I get from the drive over, the atmosphere of the shops, and their displays fuels my tatting obsessed mind to create new works.  Guess it's time for me to get busy putting my loot away and organizing it before I have to get even busier cooking supper. 

Dear readers, I hope you all have had as wonderful a day as I have!  Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!

1 comment:

  1. The only kind of shopping I like is stash shopping, books, and art supplies! Glad you had a good day.
