
Friday, November 4, 2011

Xmas Prep

As today was my errand day, I did not get much tatting done at all.  I did, however, pick up a few things for the Christmas giveaway events that are in the planning process.

I found these wonderful hinged tin boxes at a local dollar store.  They will be just right for holding some tatted ornaments and goodies!  Tatted ornaments were the top pick in the Christmas giveaway poll, so I had better get busy.
The fabric is a Robert Kaufman "roll-up" strip of Christmas fabrics- perfect for making yoyos that are embellished with tatting and Christmas bling.

Here is a closer shot of my goodies.  I also looked at the potted "living" Christmas trees at Lowes and may have to get one to use as a prop.

The Piney Woods Harvest Event is going on!  Click the google "Join this Site" button to follow the blog & be eligible for the cool items up for grabs.  Hurry!  The deadline is November 16th!

This weekend I hope to have more time to tat, but it feels like I'm coming down with a cold or something.  Not to worry, my husband will be home soon to pamper and spoil me- and make me take my medicine.  (He doesn't put up with my guff!)  Have a marvelous weekend doing whatever makes your soul sing!  Until next week~
Happy Tatting!


  1. Have a wonderful weekend. Hope you feel better.

  2. hope you are better of your cold.. i like very much your harvest too!!! hope this time i could have more luck!

  3. Hope you are feeling better, when you have finished with your pampering husband could you send him over here to give my husband some lessons. I could do with some pampering.

