
Friday, December 13, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
from the Piney Woods!!!
Good morning, dear readers!
 I am finally feeling much better.  Being sick around the holidays is no fun.  At least I'm over it and feeling back to my somewhat normal self.
This will be the last blog post until after the New Year.  Jocelin will be off at college next year so we decided to make the most of this year's holiday season.  I plan to take her shopping, antiquing/junquing, do some festive baking and crafting.  You know- special mama/daughter time.  Jim plans to give her more off-road driving lessons, target practice at the rifle range, and take her hunting.  We also plan to have a number of movie marathon days!
I am working on several OOAK pieces that will debut after the New Year on a revamped website.  The other thing I'm looking into is possibly moving the blog to my website host.  Lots of things are happening in the Piney Woods!
Here is an image of some button brooch/pendant foundations I'm working on.
And here is a special OOAK piece-in-progress:
Oh!  I almost forgot to tell you about our newest family member!  A few days ago, when it was rainy, icy & nasty, we had a male kitten wander onto our front porch.  He actually got on well with our dogs, wasn't hissy or anything like that.  He was almost starved.  You could see and feel all his little bones.  Since I didn't have any cat food, I scrambled him a couple of eggs until Jim could run to the store. Well, he just kept rubbing, loving and purring on all of us- including the dogs- so we "adopted" him. 
Dear readers, here is "Biscuit", the feline mascot of the Piney Woods:
Jocelin adores him and he certainly seems to love all of us.  This is the best image I have of him as he is always purring and rubbing.
Jocie and I will be heading out on an antiquing/junquing jaunt shortly, so...
May you all have a lovely Christmas filled with joy!
Until the New Year~
Happy Tatting!


Friday, December 6, 2013

Under The Weather

Good afternoon, dear readers! Sorry for the blogpost delay, but I am a bit under the weather. I will get a good tatting post up as soon as I'm able.

Until then-
Happy Tatting!

-Rachel Colvin Jackson, the Piney Woods Tatter