
Monday, May 21, 2012

Parrish Reveries Motif

Each year I select a theme for decorating our home during the holiday season.  This year I plan to draw inspiration from the artwork of my favorite artist- Maxfield Parrish.  His use of blue intrigues me.  From the trademark "Parrish Blue" to the more delicate tints and hues used in his work, I am enamored of his use of the color. 

As I was flipping through my Parrish book, I decided to sift through the thread cabinets and see what I had that would work with a little idea percolating in the back if my mind.  The Valdani (size 8) pearl cotton color M24 "Water Reflections" immediately grabbed my attention.  It was the perfect colorway to suggest some of the more subtle blues in Parrish's work.  Then it was on to the bead boxes- I found some gorgeous Czech silver-lined sky blue seed beads that complimented the Valdani thread beautifully.  I decided a few 4mm crystal AB Swarovski bicones would be a nice touch, too, so I grabbed them.  This is the result:

The motif started off as a simple foundation:

Using a size 7 tatting needle, add 30 seed beads then tat as follows:
R 7 - 7 - (with 3 seed beads) 7 - 7 CL RW
CH 7 followed by 5 graduated picots 7 CL RW
R 7 + 14 - 7 CL RW
CH 14 CL R 9 - (with 3 seed beads) 9 CL CH 14 CL RW
R 7 + 7 - (with 3 seed beads) 7 - 7 CL RW
Continue around until you have 10 Rs & CHs.
Tie & cut, hide ends.

Add 15 seed beads to ball and tat as follows:
Join at - between R with beads and plain R
CH 8 - (with 3 beads) 8 CL +
CH 5 CL + between 1st and 2nd bead
then ta 4 1st 1/2 ds, 4 2nd 1/2 ds, 4 1st 1/2 ds CL + between 2nd and 3rd bead
CH 5 CL +
Continue around foundation until your piece resembles the image above, tie & cut, hide ends.

Accent round two is very simple and requires ten 4mm crystal AB Swarovski bicones.
Working on the other side of the Rs of the foundation, + between any 2 Rs and tat as follows around motif:
Pick up bicone with needle, CH 8 followed by 3 graduated picots 8 CL +
Note that when you pull the needle through, it will snug the bicone up nicely.  Watch your thread as you do not want it to twist on you.
After joining, pick up a bicone before continuing with your tatting.
Complete round, tie & cut, hide ends.

For the final round:
Join through the top bar of ds at the base of outer R/CH of foundation round,
CH 11 CL + to top bar of ds at base of beads on R
CH 9 CL + to top bar of ds on other side of beads on R
CH 11 CL + to top bar of ds at the base of R/CH
CH 11 CL + to top bar of ds immediately before picot set of next CH
CH 9 followed by 7 graduated picots 9 CL + to top bar of ds on the other side of picot set
Continue around motif, tie & cut, hide ends.

After completing the motif, I suggest blocking it and lightly spritzing it with Mary Ellen's Best Press.  This particular product does not leave a flaky residue like starch and sizing often do.  I hope you will enojoy the motif- I have already made a couple that will be gracing the Christmas tree in December.

There is another project I'm working on, but it is not quite ready for sharing.  And I am contemplating another giveaway.  What are you up for this time, dear readers?  I'm thinking about putting together a couple sets of fabric, thread, beads & such.  Does this appeal to you?  The Atelier still has LOTS of stuff that needs to find a new home!

Guess I'll get back to that other project I mentioned.  May you have a marvelous day!
Until tomorrow~
Happy Tatting!


  1. This is beautiful! I'm going to start working on mine tonight-- thanks for the pattern!

  2. I love this one, Rachel! It may be my favorite of your patterns...definitely will be some of the ornaments I make for this years gifts! Thanks for being so generous!

  3. Oh Rachel!!! Such a beautiful pattern in gorgeous color! Thank you for sharing your talented beauties!!!
